The foundry industry is undergoing a profound transformation characterized by various factors such as technological innovations, changing market demands and the pressure for automation. The conversation with the experts from Lianco Technologies, a company specializing in tailor-made solutions for casting post-processing, reveals interesting insights.
FP: That sounds fascinating. How is Lianco Technologies structured, and where does the extensive know-how come from?
Lianco: Our expertise is built on years of technical development and the sale of customized solutions in the field of casting cleaning. Lianco emerged from the former senior and technical sales team of the Italian company MAUS. We were pioneers in developing CNC solutions with linear axes for casting finishing and introduced these innovative technologies to the global market at a time when full automation in this area was still met with skepticism. This pioneering work presented us with the challenge of convincing customers worldwide of our solutions, for which there were no comparable models. From these numerous successful projects, we developed the ability to process cast parts of all kinds, whether in single or series production, flexibly and efficiently. This enables us today to quickly offer customized solutions that provide our customers with a competitive advantage. For over 25 years, technologies such as CNC, PLC, robotics, automation, and tooling have been part of our daily operations.
"Individual solutions through Integrated Automation"
FP: Automated casting cleaning is now widespread. Lianco has extensive experience and worldwide references. What makes your company so successful?
Lianco: Our strength lies in the versatility of our products, combined with unique system design and comprehensive consultation. We tailor our approach to each customer's needs, developing the optimal solution together without being confined by our own standards. While other machinery manufacturers might offer a specific type of equipment for every application, we take a different approach: We explain the possibilities of various technologies, integrate them through automation, and even incorporate third-party systems if they provide added value for the customer. This comprehensive service is offered at very competitive prices. Our lean structure allows us to provide globally competitive offerings, even though we use only certified components from renowned global companies.
Another key to our success is our use of CNC machines based on proven linear technology—the most robust system for mechanical processing. This is why nearly all machining centers on the market rely on this system. Our machines, which often perform the most demanding tasks at the start of the processing chain, are particularly durable.
“It's mostly about volume, material, dimensions and component requirements”
FP: How important is a deep understanding of the product to be processed, especially when dealing with cast parts of different sizes and materials?
Lianco: When selecting the optimal solution for a specific processing task, numerous criteria must be considered. We guide our customers through the diversity of our products with a well-thought-out checklist to identify the best technology for their needs. On our website, we also offer technical articles that systematically categorize relevant technologies.
In our approach, we differentiate between steel, iron, and aluminum, taking into account the corresponding dimensions, required processing steps, production volume, as well as specific part or customer requirements. Each material poses different processing demands depending on the type of casting process involved. Additional tasks and operations that may provide the customer with further, initially unrecognized advantages also play a role.
Experience is crucial in this process. Even if a process is successful in tests, a lack of process stability can later prevent the new technology from achieving the desired results. Therefore, we sometimes find it necessary to advise against certain customer requests, point out the associated risks, and offer alternative, more suitable solutions.
FP: How have customer demands and expectations evolved? What is the current state of the art?
Lianco: Customers worldwide are increasingly open to new technologies, regardless of geographic boundaries. Even in regions where labor is abundant, the benefits of new technologies are recognized. The level of technology a company adopts depends heavily on the capabilities of its staff, the learning process, the desired degree of automation, and, of course, the available budget.
Customers expect their investments to quickly lead to reduced production costs and ideally result in higher profits. The fact that additional machines are often purchased after a certain production period clearly shows that the benefits of our systems become financially visible in a short time.
FP: Which markets are currently developing most successfully, and where does Lianco focus its efforts?
Lianco: Our key markets currently include Brazil, Mexico, and Southern and Central Europe, particularly France and increasingly Germany. We are also expanding in India, Indonesia, and other Asian countries, with China remaining a major market for us. In these regions, we work closely with local companies that form a strategic part of Lianco's philosophy in areas such as service, sales, and spare parts.
Our current focus is on aluminum processing, and with our newly launched AS series, we have hit the mark. This series offers a CNC alternative to the traditional robotic cell, providing the added value of combining deburring and separating with smaller machining tasks in one system.
Our goal is to grow globally and establish a strong presence in the market. Thanks to our lean decision-making structure, we can provide our customers with individual and optimal support. Growing together with our customers as partners is our top priority.
“We are participating GIFA Mexico 2024”
FP: What can we expect from Lianco Technologies in the future, and at which trade shows and events will you be present in the near future?
Lianco: We are currently busy installing new machines in several countries. However, we remain committed to making our young company known at trade shows and events to build the necessary trust within the foundry industry. In 2024, we have already participated in six trade fairs worldwide (Europe, Brazil, China, India), and in October, we will also be at GIFA in Mexico, as we believe this market continues to offer great potential for us.
Moreover, we are continuously expanding our product portfolio to better meet our customers' needs, thanks to the unique supplier network we have established in the first five years of our operations.
Thank you for the interesting conversation, Claudio Cossalter and Nicola Antonucci, and continued success!